Sparking Summer | Summer Session with Amy Buelow Photography

Summer is almost here and it is time to book your summer photography session!  Book your session by the FOURTH OF JULY to receive a $100 print coupon toward your session!


It may take a lot of trial and error, but photographing sparklers can be so fun for you and the kids! My best advice, grab a bunch of cards because you will burn through lots of pictures trying to get it just right.  Check out below for some tips on how to photograph great sparkler pics of your kids!  We may even do some at the session!

summer session with amy buelow photography

First, my MAMA RULE, wear eye protection if you have it or get some! These things are dangerous!  Without eye wear, kids need to keep their feet glued to the ground.  Running and  even walking opens them up to danger. Now that we are safe, here are my best quick tips for success!

If you want to see the SPARK : Lift your ISO (light sensitivity) and close down your FSTOP (aperture)

If you want sparkler BOKEH, the dreamy bubbly illumination : Open your FSTOP as far as your lens allows.

If you want to SKY WRITE : SLOOOOW down your SHUTTER, way down and grab a tripod for stability!

*this is a good chance to take your camera OFF AUTO and play in Manual, or Aperture or Shutter Priority (I like to think of these as 1/2 Manual:)

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hello, i’m amy

In the light & life in front of me, I snap a bit of everything I want to preserve. Follow for more on recent sessions, photography tips & tricks, personal projects and all that inspires me artistically and emotionally.

follow us on instagram@amybuelowphotography
weddings and engagementsGreater Boston | North Shore, MA
New Hampshire
Amy Buelow Photography
North Andover, MA143 Hickory Hill Rd• the Studio •
North Andover, MA143 Hickory Hill Rd• the Studio •